Talking about “that which is feminine” in psychoanalysis is to take that signifier as a general theoretical category. Following Lacan’s teaching, we would like to know your opinion: do you think we can talk about this concept in those terms, “that which is feminine”, as a universal category which is somehow relevant to all subjects regardless of gender?
So, is there a difference between “that which is feminine” and “femininity”?
Do you think that category is related to what Miller called “the feminization of the world” in his seminar The Other Who Does Not Exist and His Ethical Committees?
Do you think it is possible to establish a link between the so-called “feminization of the world” and the increasing ways of segregating and mistreating women or the shocking femicide rates in recent years? And do you think this implies dialoguing with other social actors such as Gender Studies?
In a recent article published in the book Cinema and Psychoanalysis, you state that American TV series interpret our current times and follow the path of the drive through the changes that have occurred in the symbolic order. Therefore, and considering the prevalence of TV Series that focus on female characters (Sex & the City, Desperate Housewives, The Perfect Wife, among others), what aspect of that which is feminine in the 21st century do you think that TV series interpret?, do they teach psychoanalysis anything new?
There comes a point in Freud’s work where he says that the question about that which is feminine goes unanswered. Do you think that Lacan has an answer?
Translation reviewed by Alfredo Brunori